Home Politics Imran Khan says Modi needs to foster peace, not fan flames of fury

Imran Khan says Modi needs to foster peace, not fan flames of fury

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By NP newsroom

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Sunday that his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi should give peace a chance rather than fan the flames of Indian anger over the recent attack on Indian forces in the Kashmiri town of Pulwama recently, all due to the upcoming elections in India.

Imran Khan said he repeated his commitment to India that he would take action if India provides concrete evidence of the dastardly deed emanating from Pakistan.

The prime minister said Modi and he had in 2015 agreed to alleviate poverty from their countries and not let the peace process be sabotaged by problems such as the Pulwama attack, although it was “unfortunate” that the peace process was sabotaged even before the Pulwama attack.

Imran Khan said “India accused Pakistan without evidence and without thinking why Pakistan would even dream of sabotaging such an important [Saudi investment] conference.” Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman toured Pakistan and India to bolster ties with these two countries and others in the region.


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