Home Politics North Korea begging for war: US

North Korea begging for war: US

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The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) met on Monday to denounce in no uncertain terms as reckless North Korea’s — otherwise known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea — testing of a potent nuclear device which the DPRK calls a hydrogen device. The tremors the test caused were measured at 6 and 6.3.

United States’ Representative to the UNSC Nikki Haley addressed world leaders at the meeting and said: “We must now adopt the strongest possible measures.” Following Kim Jong-un’s test of a ‘hydrogen bomb’ at the weekend, she said the despot was “begging for war” and that “our country’s patience is not unlimited.” Haley, speaking before diplomats from nations including the UK, Russia and China later added: “Only the strongest sanctions will enable us to resolve this problem through diplomacy.”

However, Sanction 2371, the latest and strongest of sanctions against the rogue nuclear power, have had little or no effect on it. Haley cited several earlier but equally ineffective sanction against North Korea that were to all intents and purposes water off a ducks back!

Japan’s Ambassador to the United Nations Koro Bessho

Japan’s Representative to the UN, His Excellency Mr. Koro Bessho, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary, had somewhat the same but more diplomatically polite censure of the UN sanctions and called for more stringent measures to force North Korea to conform to international norms. Mr. Bessho appeared particularly concerned after Kim Jong-un fired missiles over Japan’s airspace.

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